Disable Tv tab
Disable TV tab if you dont enable any tv configs.
Comments: 1
27 Oct, '20
harrvYes, please! I'm in the process of trying to move to Ombi v4, and was hoping this would have been addressed there. In Ombi v3 I was able to create a custom CSS that would hide the TV tab on the search page, but in v4 there is no identifying "id" or "class" to use in the CSS. From a usability perspective it's not very friendly to be able to search for TV, decide which seasons and/or episodes to request, only to be denied once I press submit. Far better to hide anything to do with TV for users who don't have TV request permission. Or, hide for all users if I don't have Sonarr configured. Similarly, not very friendly to have a "Report Issue" button, allow the form to be filled out, and then show permission denied error once the submit button is pressed. Please don't show related UI elements at all if a feature is turned off or the user doesn't have permission. Also, please consider adding "id" and descriptive "class" attributes to key html elements in the UI so custom CSS can work. Thanks